
Bright Hope Institute
Bright Hope Institute. (BHI)
Bright Hope Institute (BHI)
Bright Hope Institute
Bright Hope Institute BHI

Academic Program
The BHI offers a great variety of subjects and modern programs integrating international standards. As it lays in the nature of the commercial activity to be in constant rapid change, the BHI is therefore designing and updating its curriculum regularly. By focusing on these changing circumstances the BHI shows a constant flexibility. Its courses take account of technology developments, economic growth, globalization as well as new agricultural techniques. The BHI’s additionally focuses on encouraging and empowering students to develop small and medium enterprises. By this flexibility and engagement, the BHI accomplishes a rate of 95% graduated students who successfully found a job.
Who studies at BHI?
The BHI provides educational services to primary children, young students, NGO staff and private aawell as public sector employees. By offering both part-time and full-time training courses to meet the different needs of individual students, the BHI creates a possibility for young students to look for a job during their study period.
What academic programs does the BHI offer?
Bachelor Degrees
BHI offers three different bachelor degree programs: one in business one in development and one in education. Each program is designed as a four–year course which comprises ten subjects in the foundation year, and 36 subjects during the following three years. Subjects are assessed through a credit-system. For a successful completion of a bachelor degree a minimum of 145 credit points are normally required.
Associate Degrees
To ensure that higher education is affordable and available to poorer youth, BHI also offers three different associate degree programs: one in English language, one in Business Management and one in Rural Development. Each programs designed as two-year course and comprises 24 subjects. The subjects are assessed through a credit – system. For a successful completion of an associate degree minimum of 72 credit points is normally required.
Faculties and Subjects
BHI consists of three faculties with eleven specializations:
General Management
Finance and Banking
Public Administration
Rural Development
Education Management
English Language
Khmer Literature